Here at TOwifi we not only list all TTC stations with free wifi, we also test the download and upload speed of the connections in M/bs. You can browse all locations by map or by the list below. The wi-fi speed has also been added to show the speed of the wi-fi at each particular station. You will know that a TTC station has free wifi by the sign, pictured on the right.
- Bathurst
- Bayview
- Bay
- Bessarion
- Bloor-Yonge
- Broadview
- Castle Frank
- Chester
- Christie
- College
- Coxwell
- Donlands
- Don Mills
- Downsview
- Dufferin
- Dundas
- Dundas West
- Dupont
- Eglinton
- Glencarin
- Greenwood
- High Park
- Jane
- Keele
- Kennedy
- King
- Lansdowne
- Lawrence West
- Leslie
- Main Street
- Museum
- North York Centre
- Old Mill
- Osgoode
- Ossington
- Pape
- Queen
- Queen’s Park shift
- Rosedale
- Royal York
- Runnymede
- Sherbourne
- Spadina
- St Andrew
- St Clair
- St Clair West
- St George
- St Patrick
- Summerhill
- Union
- Wellesley
- Wilson
- Woodbine