We offer various advertising opportunities that are tailored for local GTA coffee shops, restaurants, public venues and other businesses that may want to associate with people that use free wifi. All placements are added to both our website and mobile apps.


Featured Wifi Listing

A featured review showcases your free wifi listing on our homepage for 30 days. We also visit the location to further test the wifi speeds, take some pictures and write a 300 word article with link back to your site. The article will be featured for 30 days and remain permanently indexed with our database and search engines.

  • Permanent listing on our website and mobile apps
  • Indexed in Google search and Google Maps
  • Tweeted to our Twitter followers via @towifi
  • Featured on our homepage for 30 days

Price for Featured Review is: $150

Site-wide Text Ad

At the bottom of every listing and page on our site is space for local text ad listings. You can see an example on this page.

Pricing for Text Ads is as follows:

  • 1 month = $10
  • 3 months = $25
  • 6 months = $40
  • 1 year = $70

Site-wide Banner Ad

We offer a sidebar placement of a 200 x 200 pixel banner ad unit.

Pricing for Banner Ads is as follows:

  • 1 month = $15
  • 3 months = $35
  • 6 months = $60
  • 1 year = $100

For more information, please contact us

Where does the traffic come from?

Over 68% of our traffic is from organic search

Traffic source

Where are users located?

Over 92% of our traffic is from people in Ontario, Canada

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Which city are users in?

Over 90% of our traffic is from people in Toronto

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